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Security expertise you can trust. Protection for your business in the real and digital world.

In today’s dynamic and increasingly digital world, the security of corporate information, employees and physical premises is a necessity.

Our comprehensive security services help you protect everything that is valuable to your organisation. From in-depth security audits to IT penetration tests to employee and business partner background checks, we provide you with a comprehensive solution that gives you confidence every step of the way. To ensure maximum security, we also offer an infiltration agent that gathers information on-site and an advanced mobile camera system that monitors your key facilities 24/7.

With our services, you get a comprehensive overview and the confidence that your business is protected from threats from outside and inside.


  • Organizations that have large teams and complex security needs.
  • Companies operating in industries where sensitive information, trade secrets and confidential data are crucial.
  • Companies that are aware of the risks not only from the external environment but also from internal threats.


  • Our services cover a wide range of security areas.
  • Thanks to detailed analysis and screening, we can detect potential threats early.
  • Conducting thorough background checks and audits increases your company’s credibility with clients, partners and employees.
our services

Choose and your business will be safe

Cyber analysis

We perform penetration tests of your IT systems and physical premises to detect potential vulnerabilities.

Mobile analysis

Mobile or laptop analytics is an advanced service aimed at obtaining and analyzing data from mobile devices.

Camera system

We provide a mobile system of hidden cameras that continuously monitor your objects of interest.

Security audits

We offer comprehensive security audits focused on employee screening and security projects.

Corporate background checks

We screen applicants, employees and business partners to ensure your business is protected against risks.

Agent infiltration

We provide a service to infiltrate a detective into your work team to gather information on site.

Searching for wiretaps

We will find and remove hidden wiretaps to keep your privacy intact.

Personal escorts

We provide escorts on demanding and dangerous business trips at home and abroad.

Guarding shipments

We will ensure delivery and guard your valuable shipments and protect them from theft or loss.

Yoursec, a.s.
IČO: 14273390

Vojtěšská 211/6
110 00 Praha 1